0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Syllables of Solmization

A system of attributing a distinct syllable to each note in a musical scale for the practice of sight-singing.

There are two types of solmization:
1. movable Do (or Sol-fa): each syllable corresponds to a scale degree
2. fixed Do: each syllable corresponds to the name of a note

In a fixed do system, do is always referring to C.

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Syllable Pitch
Fixed do
note name
Major scale degree
11 Lowered 1
Do 0 C 1
Di 1 C♯ Raised 1
Ra 1 D♭ Lowered 2
Re 2 D 2
Ri 3 D♯ Raised 2
Me 3 E♭ Lowered 3
Mi 4 E 3
5 Raised 3
4 Lowered 4
Fa 5 F 4
Fi 6 F♯ Raised 4
Se 6 G♭ Lowered 5
Sol 7 G 5
Si 8 G♯ Raised 5
Le 8 A♭ Lowered 6
La 9 A 6
Li 10 A♯ Raised 6
Te 10 B♭ Lowered 7
Ti 11 B 7
0 Raised 7