0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

About US

Created by Connect For Education, Inc.

Award-winning, pioneering designers, developers, publishers and distributors of world-class, 
accredited courses, training programs and services used in-classroom, online or blended environments 
in over 1500 colleges and universities in the USA and abroad since 1999.
OnMusic Dictionary is the successor of former Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary.


Richard Cole & Ed Schwartz


Research & Content Development
Richard Cole, Ed Schwartz, Esti Sheinberg, John Howell, Jon Polifrone, 
Craig Fields, Nancy McDuffie, Chris Miller, Trevor Robinson
Audio Pronunciations
Barbara Cooper (German), Khédija Gadhoum (Spanish), Rosaria Mangiavillo Meek (Italian), Sophie Vainer (French),
Craig Fields, Nancy McDuffie (Composers),Yanmin Xu (Chinese), Ed Schwartz
Content Contributors
Natalie Shaffer, Gary Bang, Amy Adkins, Bob Hanson, John Howell, Randy Marchany, Chris Miller, Trevor Robinson
Sharon Polifrone, John Howell, Randy Marchany, Natalie Shaffer, Shenandoah Alphorn Trio, 
Chris Miller, Richard Cole, Allen Bachelder, Trevor Robinson
Research Assistant
Christine Huzil