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Antonio Lucio Vivaldi

Venice, Italy
Vienna, Austria
Orchestral, Chamber, Opera, Sonata, Religious


Vivaldi was the eldest of nine children and was very sickly when he was young. He suffered from chest pains and it is now believed that he had asthma. Being from a poor family, Vivaldi decided to become a priest because he could receive a free education. He began this pursuit when he was 14 or 15 years old and 10 years later he became a priest. He was often referred to as the red priest because of the color of his hair.

When he was young, his father taught him how to play the violin. He excelled and became a prolific player. In 1703, he was hired by the Ospedale della Pietà to teach homeless girls music. These girls were taught to sing or play an instrument. Their concerts were renowned for their beautiful music Vivaldi was an excellent teacher and would have strong ties to the Pietà for his entire life.

Main Works

Orchestral Music:
450 concertos
The Four Seasons
Gloria, RV. 589
6 Flute Concerti, Op. 10
12 Violin Concerto, Op. 3
Lute/ Mandolin/ Guitar Concerto RV. 425, RV. 93, RV. 532

94 operas (however, less than 50 have been identified)
Orlando finto pazzo - 1714 (RV. 727)
Argippo - 1730 (RV. 697)
L'Olimpiade - 1734 (RV. 725)
Griselda - 1735 (RV. 718)

Chamber Music:
Numerous Violin Sonatas
Numerous Sonatas for other instruments (cello, flute and others)

Choral Music:
Over 40 Cantatas
Over 50 Sacred works


Last Updated: 2016-07-08 20:07:44