0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Overtones or harmonics are the natural parts of any pitch heard when it is sounded. That is to say, that each pitch that we hear contains additional pitches within it that are termed overtones or harmonics. The relative strength or weakness of these overtones determines the tone color or timbre of the pitch.
When a pitch is played, the main note heard is the fundamental (the note itself), but there is also present a series of other pitches above it called overtones or harmonics. The first overtone is an octave above the fundamental, the second is an octave and a fifth above the fundamental, the third is two octaves, the fourth is two octaves and a third, and so on, with each following overtone closer to the last than the last was to the tone before it. The series of overtones (harmonic series) for the fundamental pitch C2 would consist of C2 - C3 - G3 - C4 - E4 G4  - B flat4 * - C5 - D5 - E5 - F sharp5* - G5 - A5* - B flat5 * - B5 - C6.
* These tones are considered out of tune and is an approximate pitch.



Last Updated: 2016-06-06 01:15:50