0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

note values

note VAL-yooz


The note value is the duration of a note, or the relationship of the duration of the note to the measure. The duration of a note is as follows in common time or 4/4 time:
Note Values
British Term
American Term
Note having a duration of one full measure. Semibreve Whole note
Note having a duration of one half of a full measure. Minim Half note
Note having a duration of a quarter of a full measure. Crotchet Quarter note
Note having a duration of one eighth of a full measure. Quaver Eighth note
Note having a duration of one sixteenth of a full measure. Semiquaver Sixteenth note
Note having a duration of one thirty-second of a full measure. Demisemiquaver Thirty-second note
The half note (minim) is half the duration of the whole note (semibreve), the quarter note (crotchet) is half the duration of the half note (minim), etc.
See the table of notes and rests in the Appendix.


Last Updated: 2016-06-05 23:35:09