0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




  1. (Piano Pedal) A device on a piano that is activated by the foot of the performer. There are either two or three pedals on the modern piano
  2. (Pedal Tone) A range of pitches on a brass instrument that represent the lowest fundamental pitches of that instrument and the basis for the harmonic series for that combination of valves or slide position. The pedal tones are typically only practical to be performed by advanced performers, especially with instruments like the trumpet that are designed to play the higher harmonics more efficiently.
  3. (Organ Pedal) An organ keyboard played by the feet of the performer.
  4. (Harp Pedal) Devices on the modern harp that, when activated by the foot of the performer, raise the the pitch of selected strings up to two half steps or two semitones.
  5. (Kick Drum Pedal) A device operated by the foot to strike the bass drum (kick drum) of a drum kit.
  6. (Timpani Pedal) A device operated by the foot to change the tension on the head of a timpani thus altering the pitch.
  7. (High-Hat Pedal) A device operated by the foot to strike the cymbals of a hi-hat
  8. (Pedal Point) A low, sustained note or drone in a composition, usually performed by the lowest voice or instrument of the performing ensemble. Also see (organ point).
See more about keyboard notations in the Appendix.


Piano Pedals


Last Updated: 2016-06-06 16:53:05