0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

main gauche

[French, left hand]

French term used in piano music indicating that a specific passage is to be played by the left hand. The French words main gauche are translated as "left hand " (main means hand and gauche means left). This term is typically designated with the abbreviation M.g.
See more about keyboard notations in the Appendix.

See Also

[Abbreviation] L.H.
[Abbreviation] M.s.
[Abbreviation] M.g.
[Abbreviation] C.s.
[English] left hand
[German] linke Hand
[Italian] mano sinistra
[Italian] mano sinistro
[Italian] colla sinistra
[Italian] col destra
[Italian] col sinistra


Last Updated: 2016-06-05 13:03:17