multiple bounce roll
A standard drum rudiment in the category of roll rudiments and the sub-category of multiple bounce roll rudiments that creates a sustained sound on a percussion instrument by rapidly alternating one stroke from each drumstick, each stroke incorporating multiple bounces (four bounces per stroke). This is also known as a long roll. The sticking pattern shown below is the accepted method of producing a multiple bounce roll.
The multiple bounce roll has many variations and can be played as an open roll (a multiple bounce roll with fewer than three bounces from each stroke), or closed roll (a multiple bounce roll with a minimum of three bounces from each stroke). More bounces provide a tighter sound to the roll. Other variations include the rudimental roll (a multiple bounce roll with two bounces from each stroke) and the buzz roll or press roll (a multiple bounce roll with more than three bounces from each stroke).
The symbol "Z" shown on the stem of the note on the written example designates the multiple bounce roll.

See Also
[English] roll[English] roll rudiments
[English] multiple bounce roll rudiments
[English] long roll
[English] press roll
Last Updated: 2016-06-05 19:54:46