0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

left hand


Term used in piano music indicating that the indicated passage is to be played by the left hand. This term is typically designated with the abbreviation, L.H. for left hand or linke Hand ; [French] M.g. for main gauche; [Italian] M.s. for mano sinistra ; or [Italian] C.s. for colla sinistra.
See more about keyboard notations in the Appendix.

See Also

[Abbreviation] L.H.
[Abbreviation] M.g.
[Abbreviation] M.s.
[Abbreviation] C.s.
[French] main gauche
[German] linke Hand
[Italian] mano sinistra
[Italian] mano sinistro
[Italian] colla sinistra
[Italian] col sinistra


Last Updated: 2016-06-02 19:17:38