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barbershop quartet


A singing ensemble consisting of four men (or four women) that perform barbershop music. The typical barbershop quartet is often characterized as four men with striped vests, handlebar mustaches, and straw hats. A female quartet will have matching outfits that often have a flashy and unique look.  
One of the most famous barbershop quartets was The Buffalo Bills. They were the 1950 International Quartet Champions and became well-known when the starred on stage and in the film productions of Meredith Wilson's Broadway musical, The Music Man.

See Also

[Abbreviation] SPEBSQSA
[Abbreviation] SAI
[English] barbershop music
[English] Sweet Adelines International
[English] Barbershop Harmony Society
[English] Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc.
[English] Harmony, Inc.


Last Updated: 2016-05-14 01:34:06