baritone saxophone
The baritone member of the family of wind instruments invented by Adolphe Sax in 1840. The baritone saxophone (bari sax) is made of brass with a tapered bore. It has a single reed similar to a clarinet and a fingering system is based on that of the oboe. The baritone saxophone (bari sax) is typically found in concert and symphonic bands, big bands, and is most prominent in jazz and rock music.

See Also
[Abbreviation] baritone sax[Abbreviation] bar. sax
[Abbreviation] bari sax
[Abbreviation] bari
[French] saxophone baryton (m)
[German] Baritonsaxophon (n)
[Italian] sassofono baritono (m)
[Spanish] saxofón baritono (m)
Last Updated: 2016-05-14 01:50:56