0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




  1. Two instruments performing the same part in ensemble playing.
  2. When an accompanying instrument plays the same notes that a singer is singing.
  3. The practice of having one  perform on multiple instruments during the course of a performance . This is a common practice in jazz bands and pit orchestras for musical theater productions. It is most common for  musicians to play multiple instruments, such as the clarinet and flute, or clarinet and saxophone. This is a practice that minimizes the number of musicians needed for a performance , and offers a wider range of timbres  to the composer. In pit orchestras, there is often a very limited amount of space, making it important for the composer to consider doubling when scoring the composition.


Traditional Spanish villancico: "Ríu, ríu, chíu"

Thomas Weelks: Anthems "Gloria in excelsis deo"


Last Updated: 2016-05-23 20:27:45