0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




  1. A key signature is a symbol placed at the beginning of the staff, indicating in which key the following composition is to be performed. A key signature may consist of sharp signs, flat signs, and sometimes natural signs.

  2. A time signature is a symbol placed at the beginning of the staff, indicating the meter of the composition. A time signature consists of two numbers; the top number indicates the number of beats in each measure, and the bottom number indicates the kind of note that is counted as one beat (e.g., a time signature of 3/4 would indicate that there are three beats to each measure, and that a quarter note receives one beat).
See more about the staff in the Appendix. 
See more about key signatures in the Appendix.
See more about time signatures in the Appendix.


Last Updated: 2016-06-12 13:41:44